Contact information:
Our address:
Lindforsinkatu 4 (2. floor), 33720 Tampere.
You can call us:
03 3178 583
or contact us by email:

Opening hours:
Monday and Wednesday
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
We are closed from Friday to Sunday.
Here you can:
- share your own ideas
- participate in sport activities
- participate in group activitiesuse internet
- ask and receive help and advice
- get to know nice people
- study Finnish language
The aim of Naistari is to provide for migrant women and children a living room where they can in a safe way take part in different activities.
In Naistari migrant women can e.g. study Finnish language, practice the use of language in discussion groups, share their experiences of living in Finland and get more information about the Finnish culture and society. At Naistari you can also receive assistance and help in different matters regarding life in general.
All visitors are mainly from the cultures where women traditionally stay at home and who therefore have lack qualifications for vocational training and working life.
Empowerment of women and girls concerns the whole family. Support of the other women in the same situation is very important.
Also possibility to have professional help from the staff is valuable in solving the problems that arise in the new cultural context.
Most migrant women have learnt Finnish and have got courage to take care of daily tasks in Finnish. By combining social and cultural work many cultural conflicts have been prevented and the empowerment of women has become possible.
Lindforsinkatu 4 (2. kerros), 33720 Tampere
Naistari sijaitsee Hervannan keskustassa hyvien kulkuyhteyksien lähellä.
Ratikka: Linja 3, Hervantakeskuksen pysäkki.
Bussi: Linjat 9, 19