What is Mattila?
Mattila is a civic house for all men, a place where men come to talk, interact and do stuff together in a relaxed environment. We welcome all kinds of men and there is no discrimination of color, race, age, sexual orientation or religion here. We encourage cultural exchange and awareness of different cultures.
Mattila is a place where you can meet people and they can meet you.
Do I have to sign up? What does this cost me?
No. In Mattila you can come and go as you please. You can come here every day or once a year, whatever suits you. There are some activities though that reguire some level of commitment. For example if you say you’ll go to a hiking trip on the weekend with Mattila, we expect you to be there. Mattila is also generally free of charge, so most of our trips and activities won’t cost you a cent.
Do I have to speak Finnish in Mattila?
Whilst we encourage our customers to at least try to communicate in Finnish, it is by no means mandatory. English works just fine too if you don’t feel comfortable with the Finnish language. But remember that you won’t learn it if you don’t use it.
What are the general rules in Mattila?
They are not written in stone, but there are a few good rules of thumb:
No arguing about religion or politics. Nice conversation is always ok, but if you are easily offended when someone doesn’t share your views on these topics, it is better to stay away from such topics.
No discrimination of any kind. If you feel strongly against a group of people, please keep your opinions to yourself while visiting Mattila. Everyone here is equal, including you.
No drugs or alcohol. This one is kinda self-explanatory, don’t you think? You are also not welcome here drunk or under the influence of drugs.
Clean up after yourself and use Mattila’s equipment responsibly. If you get some coffee, put the empty mug in the dishwasher. If you make a mess in the toilet, clean it up. If you kick your foot through the TV after a disastrous loss in FIFA, you’re buying us a new TV. If you borrow and lose Mattila’s board game, you’re buying a new one (not that we loan stuff out that often).
Is there some kind of a weekly schedule? When are you open?
We have an open house monday to friday 12-16.
Feel free to come around and check us out. Weekly schedule can be seen on the front page titled ”Viikko-ohjelma”. We also update our schedule on our Facebook page every friday.
Check us out on Facebook.
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Sepänkatu 10 (käynti Savilinnankadun puolelta)
33230 Tampere